Monday, December 13, 2010

Dear N73

Today is our third anniversary and believe it or not, I haven't loved you more. It seems only yesterday that I planned my Kerala trip with you. Many a travelogues have come and gone by but you stood with me the sands of time like an enamored soul.

Days into our relationship, I let you slip into the Athirapally but you came out intact and, I believe, even stronger. Only last fortnight the way you pulled yourself together from a twenty feet fall at Naples fort was unbelievable. You are my Seabiscuit.

I know I have not been a good friend all these years. If I say I have used you, it would be an understatement. I downloaded movies from you. I reduced you to a GPS guide on my Delhi- Bangalore drive. You were my music library and you were my photo album. You were my single point of contact to this world. It was always me. When was I thinking about you?

People say you look old. that you don't look like a three year old. I am to blame. I have not treated you like an equal. Call it an anniversary gift, but the least I can do is dedicate to you the pictures you collected for me these last three months. For 90 days in 35 different cities across 11 countries you never let me down once. Let the world know that it was not me. It was you - my BFF. N73.



Surbhi said...

Awww... Love this relationship, for it has given us such beautiful pictures to treasure! Happy 3rd birthday, Prashant's N73! :-)

Vandana said...

arre its a anniversary.....@ prashant why were when you two still are together :)

PK said...

yeah anniversary :) thanks for the technical correction for a change and btw i tried to remove the 'were's but it was lookin lame and technically with the memory card gone the photo album and music library r things of past anyway