Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Some stories are untold...

Strange but life had given me enough hints that this would happen. I had a narrow escape a day before. The car (with its prime number) had proved itself more than lucky at times. The year has been one of the worst years of my life. Yet I decide to take my car on a 500 Km long journey without any highway experience and making a start in dense fog. That this would happen was an inevitability...


Surbhi said...

Another travel bug I discovered. You and Indrani will have a lot to share. Her blog:

Dr Riya said...

Hey.. Where r u these days? I have got something for u on my blog.. Check it out..

PK said...

Hey Riya,

Thanks a lot mate for forwarding the award. One of my best friends from school is also an AFMCite working in Jammu so I could relate to ur blog on army docs.

Keep blogging :)